head will roll

英 美
  • 要有许多人掉脑袋,要有许多人受严励处分
  • head n.头部;头脑;顶端;领袖;硬币的正面v.前进;为首;朝向adj.首要的;前面的
  • roll n.卷;滚动;名单;压路机;颤音;圆形物,面包卷v.摇摆;滚;绕;转动;展开
  • will n.决心;意志;遗嘱;愿望aux.将;愿意;必须vt.决心;想要(某事发生);将(财产)遗赠;规定vi.愿意
    1. The company is not going to make a profit this year. It's lost several customers because of its very had work. Heads will roll for this.
    2. As a result of the leak to the press, heads will roll in White hall.